Access to training sessions:
– For a learner: from the functionality My training sessions, he can access the training sessions that have been created by his trainers.
– For a trainer: from the functionality My training sessions; he can create, modify or delete his training sessions. The trainer who has created a training session is the only trainer who can visualize the results of his learners.
– For an administrator: from the functionality Training sessions he can view all training sessions created by the trainers and access the learners’ results.
Creating a training session:
A training session is created by a user in the role of trainer or administrator.
Go to the training sessions (see above) and click on the button Create a training session at the top right.
The creation of a training session is done in 5 steps:
- Step 1: Give your session a name and indicate the duration of this session
- Step 2: Select a group of learners
- Step 3: Define session settings
- Step 4: Selection of simulators
- Step 5: Confirmation
It is necessary to form groups of learners before creating a training session.
Modify a training session:
A training session can be modified while it is in progress (to extend its duration, shorten its duration, etc.). To do this, access the training sessions and click on the edit button (column Edit). Warning, the results associated with a session can have an impact on the results associated with it.