Futur en Seine – June 9–12 2016
As a partner of Cap Digital and Futur en Seine, the SimforHealth team, the digital simulation department of Interaction Healthcare, is delighted to be taking part in the Futur en Seine festival from June 9 to 12 in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris to present changes in the field of healthcare training via its digital simulation platform, MedicActiV.
With already more than 22,000 healthcare professionals trained by its solutions through innovative and participative tools, SimforHealth will be taking stock of digital simulation in the field of healthcare at its stand in the Innovation Village at the Carreau du Temple.
We will present the opportunities offered by the MedicActiV platform, the first platform for the creation, exchange and propagation of virtual clinical cases dedicated to healthcare professionals, and its associated solutions, including Patient Genesys, a collaborative tool that allows the creation of virtual clinical cases by any health professional.
Futur en Seine is free and open to all and should not be missed by digital and healthcare professionals.
SimforHealth on social media!
Follow all the news from the digital simulation department during the event on Twitter @simforhealth with #sim4health
More information on the Futur en Seine Festival here